This is a clever novel. Nobel prize-winning author Grave Heatherton “the corpse of post war Australia”, lies in state. Continue reading “Australian Bookseller and Publisher – Review ’93”
The Latest…
The basis of Walk to Kulentufu is confilct – and obsession. East meets West, adventure triumphs over delay …
Australian Bookseller and Publisher article 1989
Houghton Miffin Australia Books Ad
October 1988 Houghton Miffin Australia Books Ad from the Australian Bookseller and Publisher magazine … Continue reading “Houghton Miffin Australia Books Ad”
A Powerful and Compelling New Novel
Take one Pole, driven from the old world, befuddled by the new. Put him in Bondi, where the glitter of capitalism can distract him. Introduce him to an Australian woman who is delightfully different from the European women he has known. Continue reading “A Powerful and Compelling New Novel”
Australian Bookseller and Publisher Cover
The Day my Publisher Turned features on the cover of the Australian Bookseller and Publisher magazine August 1989 …
Continue reading “Australian Bookseller and Publisher Cover”
Biting the hand
The Day my Publisher Turned into a Dog (Gail Morgan , Frances Allen, $24.95 HB) is the latest novel from the author of Promise of Rain and …
Australian Bookseller and Publisher article 1989